in the meantime, “Excel tables” and “zero every month”!

An emblematic figure of the television universe, Benjamin Castaldi has long led a dream life. Unfortunately, the famous animator is now facing major financial problems. “There was a time when the bankers let you go down, down, down… And me, he really let me go down very, very low. discovered”he confided in February 2022 on the set of Do not touch My TV.

In September of the same year, he also admitted to being “at the end of financial life”. “It does not matter. It will be cessation of payments. The money when there is more, there is more. I have a deadline that I will not be able to honor, because I have a friend who m ‘ offered a deposit that he did not give me. I will manage day by day. I don’t know what I’m going to do, it’s going to be complicated”he explained.

See also:

Aurore Aleman cash on her finances

Fortunately, Benjamin Castaldi can count on the support of his wife to face the daily galleys. “We pull on the string, I make Excel tables all day. To the nearest comma, to the nearest cent, I’m very careful with my money, our money. We each have our account, but I’m super careful, c I manage Benj’s finances”, declared Aurore Aleman this Tuesday, April 11, 2023 on the set of At Jordan’s.

However, the mother of young Gabriel would like to live in great luxury. “In my dream, unexpected life, I would love to earn 50,000 euros a month”. If she hasn’t reached her goals yet, she’s not complaining. On the contrary… Benjamin Castaldi’s love is enough for him. “Even if I have zero every month, I love it and we are happy”. Tender confidences.


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