For his first move in a family allowance fund, Jean-Christophe Combe had chosen Loiret, this Friday. The new Minister for Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities, who has been in office since July 4, visited the premises of the CAF located place Saint Charles in Orléans.
He met beneficiaries of social minimaexchanged with agents on their working conditions and discussed the implementation of future reforms.
A supportive minister
A minister relaxed and smiling that recalls his roadmap “very busy” he says in the coming months. Jean-Christophe Combe wishes to salute commitment agents, “they have worked particularly hard over the past two years with the covid crisis to put in place the support that the government has provided to the most modest households. And they will continue to do so this summer to implement the revaluation social benefits voted at this time within the framework of the purchasing power bill” explains the Minister, and “They will also the start of the school year with the exceptional solidarity aid which will affect 8 million households, in particular to help access to food for the most modest people”.
– Lydie Lahaix
The Minister refers to the solidarity project at the source which will be one of the main reforms of his mandate. “It is the simplification of social benefits to facilitate access to rights, this will change people’s lives and to help the agents of the family allowance funds and I hope it goes give meaning their commitment and allow them to focus much more on the human support that they already do every day with great kindness”.
Motivated but worried agents
Faced with these encouragementthe agents of the Loiret CAF evoke their not always simple daily life with an ill-adapted computer tool which could have created stress without forgetting recruitment difficulties and the absence of any prospect of salary development.
– Lydie Lahaix
“We have known two years difficult” explains Fabien de Franco, operational manager of a management unit that processes the files of beneficiaries, “there has been a certain phenomenon of weariness teams and a loss of meaning because we had the impression that we were no longer in the heart of our business” he said. Facing them, the Minister listens and nods. “Their wage demands are legitimate in view of their commitment and their investment, I support them” says Jean-Christophe Combe.