From 4€70 per unit to 5€40, this represents 70 cents more for an inhabitant of Olivet is even 90 cents for those who do not live in the town. it is a substantial increase that some users regret: “Olivet, I come from time to time because we have, fortunately, prices a little more advantageous than in other towns, but otherwise we can’t afford it too much. There the holidays, for us, it is limited next to the house” indicates a mother who goes to the swimming pool.
This inflation we see it everywhere but not on the payslip
An observation shared by Rudy, her little boy in her arms. He is about to pay more but recognize that it is an additional expense : “Indeed, we are forced to limit ourselves especially when we have children and inevitably it starts to cost. It’s generalized let’s say, today we see it on food, we see it on fuel. Unfortunately, you don’t see it much on the payslip.”
A long-planned increase according to the director
Clément Matelot is the director of the Poutyl swimming pool. Since two weeks he asks his teams to warn users so as not to catch them off guard, but he asserts that this increase is not linked to the price of energy. It was in fact planned for a long time within the framework of a contract defined with the town hall of Olivet.
– Antoine Vandendrische
The two swimming pools of Olivet are entrusted to a private manager within the framework of a public service delegation and the price increase is indexed to the cost of living. “The date is fixed in advance” explains Clément Matelot. “Coincidence of the calendar, it falls at the same time as the explosion of energy prices, but this is not the object of this increase in prices with us. We are lucky, or not, to be in a climate where everything increases so in general people are rather understanding.
One of the busiest swimming pools in the metropolis of Orléans
An explanation that goes in the direction of Isabelle, who comes to Poutyl from time to time, and who is not not discouraged by this increase “5€, that’s not much today”.
The Poutyl outdoor swimming pool is one of those that attract the most visitors to the metropolis of Orléans during the summer period. Clément Matelot is confident, for him the new rates will have no impact on attendance because the frame remains attractive.