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The municipality of Rion-des-Landes (Landes) offers free meals to its schoolchildren. A measure made possible thanks to renewable energy operators.
Like every Thursday, the menu is 100% vegetarian for the pupils of a nursery school in Rion-des-Landes (Landes). Meals are prepared with fresh, organic products from short circuits. A guarantee of quality for this canteen. Karine Caubit, deputy director of leisure reception, indicates: “Once a week we serve a vegetarian meal.” The meals are varied and above all free. Very good news for parents of students faced with inflation and rising energy costs.
The contribution of renewable energy developers
Set up in 2020, the free canteen has been maintained this year despite inflation. A decision made possible thanks to the contribution of renewable energy developers based in the municipality of Rion-des-Landes. Their rents have been increased to finance the additional costs. The city councilor, Laurent Civel, specifies that he “there was no question of it being the taxpayers who bear the cost”. 189 families benefit from this helping hand, which is free and saves nearly 300 euros per year and per child.