In the lab of Stéphane Bisson pastry chef, chocolate maker in Amiens

In Amiens, Nature de Cacao treats us to its pastries, pastries and chocolates. A beautiful small company which every day must know how to renew itself with seriousness, requirement and creativity to satisfy its customers.

Stephane Bisson worked for a few years in beautiful houses before investing in training in Rouen to finally open Nature de Cacao in 2009.

In craftsmanship, transmission is part of the job. Corentin has just passed his CAP. Arrived at the age of 15, he decided to continue his training in baking. And for Corentin getting up at 4am is not a problem. After a little time of adaptation, he quickly understood that in the evening you have to go to bed early to be in good shape the next day.

Joséphine, first a saleswoman, became the store manager. She works closely with the Chef to manage the house, find ideas while always listening to customers. It is the essential interface for proper operation. And sometimes she brings the chef back to reality when his creative desires take him too far from customer demand.

The more time passes, the more the dialogue in the company with the employees is vital notes Stéphane

At Nature de Cacao, Stéphane Bisson, welcomes new young people in training every year, it is an important human management. You have to recruit new people to train them during the summer and also adapt to the needs of employees in a rapidly changing society.

And yes sometimes it gets a bit tiring but the passion is still there.

To dive into the universe of Nature de Cacao follow the link

Meeting at the foot of the belfry of Amiens from Monday to Saturday all day and Sunday morning

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