In the kitchen with Séverine and Dominique Aïache from the restaurant “Le Relais des forêt” in Blessac

On the menu: Auvergne truffade

The “Relais des Forêts” is a warm and well-preserved restaurant, near the Millevaches plateau. On the plate, traditional and family cuisine prepared in a “short circuit”. Séverine and Dominique Aïache have been there since February 2016. An address to remember if you are looking for a good table.

The ingredients of the recipe

Cheese and charcuterie for the Auvergne truffade © Radio France
Bernard Adam
  • 200 g of potatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 100 gr of cheese (Saint-Nectaire, Comté, Tome)
  • 2 slices of dry ham
  • 2 slices of rosettes
  • 2 slices of sausage with pepper
  • 50 cl fresh cream
The chef prepares the potatoes
The chef prepares the potatoes © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Peel and wash the potatoes. Slice into even, not too thick slices.

Dominique cooks the potatoes over high heat with a drizzle of oil
Dominique cooks the potatoes over high heat with a drizzle of oil © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Cook your potatoes for about fifteen minutes in a large skillet. Stir them regularly.

The truffade is a rustic and mountain dish, originating from Auvergne, more precisely from the Monts du Cantal.

Dominique adds the cream and cheese to the truffade
Dominique adds the cream and cheese to the truffade © Radio France
Bernard Adam

When the potatoes are cooked, add the minced garlic. Next, pour the cream and cheese and mix with the potatoes.

The Auvergne truffade is ready
The Auvergne truffade is ready © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Serve the truffade with the charcuterie. Treat yourself. At table !

Hotel Restaurant Relais des Forêts

41 Route d’Aubusson in Blessac

Telephone: 05 55 66 15 10

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