In the kitchen with Patrick Jolly from the restaurant “Le Chalet d’Antan” in Evaux-Les-Bains

On the menu: butternut velouté and ham crisps

Located in the heart of the town of Evaux-Les-Bains, the restaurant “Le Chalet d’Antan” welcomes you in a pretty restaurant inspired by a mountain chalet decor. A warm and cozy place to enjoy traditional cuisine.

The ingredients of the recipe

Seasonal products for the preparation of velouté © Radio France
Bernard Adam
  • 1 butternut squash
  • 10 cl of cream
  • 1 beef stock cube
  • 1 onion
  • 4 slices of ham
  • 2 dry droppings
The chef empties and cuts the butternut
The chef empties and cuts the butternut © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Deseed and cut the squash into strips. Then, finely chop the onion.

A touch of fresh cream and a knob of butter for a perfect velouté
A touch of fresh cream and a knob of butter for a perfect velouté © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Mix in a pot, incorporate a cube of beef stock and salt. Next, simmer the butternut squash soup for fifty minutes over medium heat.

The butternut velouté and ham crisps is ready.
The butternut velouté and ham crisps is ready. © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Serve the velouté with a ham crisp and a goat cheese tuile. At table !

Open all year round from Wednesday to Sunday for lunch and dinner

Cottage of yesteryear

11 Rue Notre Dame in Evaux-les-Bains

Reservation :
05 55 65 50 68

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