In the kitchen with chef Catherine Nempont of “La Brasserie du Charron” in Soumans

“La Brasserie du Charron” is Catherine and Fabrice Nempont, two beer enthusiasts from the north of France. They launched a microbrewery, a restaurant, bed and breakfasts. On the restaurant side, a unique menu cooked with short circuit products. On your plate, authentic and generous cuisine. To share an evening with friends “La Brasserie du Charron” is the address to note in your notebooks.

On the menu: Flemish carbonade

The ingredients of the recipe for eight people:

The ingredients of the Flemish carbonade © Radio France
Bernard Adam
  • 2kg braising meat chuck/collar/shoulder
  • 2 liters of dark beer
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 bouquet garni
  • 4 onions
  • 500g smoked bacon
  • 10 to 12 slices of gingerbread depending on your casserole
  • 7 tablespoons strong mustard
  • A pinch of salt

Cut the meat into cubes of 3 to 4 centimeters on each side. Then roughly chop the onions and cut the bacon into large lardoons. Melt the butter and sweat the onions in it for 10 minutes to make them translucent (low heat, covered). Add the bacon, increasing the heat slightly, stirring regularly, trying to keep it covered as much as possible.

Catherine cuts the meat into cubes before browning it in a pot
Catherine cuts the meat into cubes before browning it in a pot © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Once the bacon is nicely pink, remove the bacon onion assembly, keeping the juice in the pan and set aside in a dish. Put the heat on high and put the meat in the casserole. Stir regularly without covering. Your meat should color fully and render juice. Remove the casserole from the heat, as for the bacon and the onions, you must remove your meat, always keeping your meat juice in the casserole.

Let the Flemish carbonade simmer for a long time
Let the Flemish carbonade simmer for a long time © Radio France
Bernard Adam

When your juice has halved, you can reduce your heat to a minimum and put back the bacon first, then the onions. mixing them well and then you can add your meat. Then slide your bouquet garni into the casserole dish and cover with dark beer. Salt very lightly. Then comes the step where you cover the whole thing with gingerbread which serves as a binder for your juice. Generously add mustard to your gingerbread slices. Then simmer covered for 2 to 3 hours. Add salt and pepper.

The Flemish carbonade is ready
The Flemish carbonade is ready © Radio France
Bernard Adam

Catherine’s advice: prepare the dish the day before for the next day. Before serving, reheat for about 30 minutes over very low heat.

At table !

Charron Brewery

7 -9 Rue Eugène Romaine, in Soumans

Reservation: 05 55 82 13 63

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