“In the information field, there is today a war” between France and Russia, affirms the spokesman of the staff of the French armies

“In the information field, there is today a war” between France and Russia in the Sahel, said Thursday July 14 on franceinfo General Pascal Ianni, spokesperson for the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. “There is clearly a Russian strategy of eviction vis-à-vis France and European countries and we are faced with the implementation of a strategy of influence which uses in particular IT tools”explains the soldier.

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The French army finds itself confronted with “a mass phenomenon, an information steamroller”, believes Pascal Ianni. He evokes “fake news”disseminated in particular on social networks, which show “a form of overmilitarization of the perception of France in West Africa, in the Sahel.”

“We come to forget all the efforts that are made in the context of development”notes the spokesman for the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

“We are faced with a phenomenon of asymmetry since our adversaries allow themselves things, in particular in violation of the most fundamental rights, that we cannot do.”

Pascal Ianni

at franceinfo

France continues its military withdrawal from Mali in a context of diplomatic tensions vis-a-vis the military junta in power since 2020 and“hostility”, indicates General Pascal Ianni, on the part of mercenaries from the private Russian group Wagner, called on the spot by the junta to help it fight against jihadist groups. Wagner”clearly has the will to wipe the slate clean in order to be able to settle in a logic of economic predation”assures the spokesman for the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

“We know that there are links between this company of mercenaries and the exploitation of mining sites…”

Pascal Ianni

at franceinfo

“Today, we do not consider that French soldiers are direct targets of the Wagner company in Mali, in any case, all measures are taken so that, in case there is a subject, this subject is quickly settled. “says General Pascal Ianni.

A new stage in the context of the departure from Mali of the anti-jihadist force Barkhane will take place “towards the end of August”with the transfer to the Malian authorities of the Gao base, the largest French base in West Africa, indicates General Pascal Ianni. “2,000 to 2,500 soldiers” will still remain in the Sahel after this deadline, specifies the spokesperson for the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

“If the rearticulation takes time, it is because we want to do it in safety, in good order and according to the mode of action that we have determined, we are not having anything imposed on us. (…) We are doing the things extremely serenely”says General Pascal Ianni.

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