In the heart of Puisaye, the town of Treigny takes us from surprise to surprise!

The convent of Treigny

The Convent of Treigny is a superb building whose origin dates back to XV and XVI centuries.

The convent of Treigny © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Since 2006 theAssociation of Creative Potters of Puisaye has taken over the premises and regularly offers exhibitions and workshops there.

Charles Henri Guieba, creative potter
Charles Henri Guieba, creative potter © Radio France
Karine Decalf
Exhibition at the Convent of Treigny
Exhibition at the Convent of Treigny © Radio France
Karine Decalf

To see until July 4 the exhibition “Shades of colors”an exhibition of colorful contemporary ceramics divided into 5 categories: blue, red, green, yellow and purple pink.

The Chaîneau Traveling Farm and the Dovahkiin Company

The Chaineau traveling farm is a structure that presents pets and livestock in different structures such as medico-educational institutes, establishments housing dependent elderly people or social reintegration centers.

Zaïss and Murielle Goury
Zaïss and Murielle Goury © Radio France
Karine Decalf

The name itinerant farm also has a consonance therapeutic since the primary objective is tobring well-being .

The Chaineau Traveling Farm
The Chaineau Traveling Farm © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Across the Dovahkiin Companyit also offers animations in medieval festivals for example but also in village festivals.

Chaineau Traveling Farm
Chaineau Traveling Farm © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Ratilly Castle

Ratilly Castle is a real medieval fortress built on 11th century foundations, completed in the 13th century, then partly transformed during the Renaissance.

Ratilly Castle
Ratilly Castle © Radio France
Karine Decalf

In 1951, Jeanne and Norbert Pierlot set up their pottery workshop there and made Ratilly one of the first private art centers in Francea place of exchange and artistic expression.

Mathias Pierlot and Arnaud.  Ratilly Castle
Mathias Pierlot and Arnaud. Ratilly Castle © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Today, the Pierlot family, supported by theAssociation of Friends of Ratillycontinues to organize courses, concerts, exhibitions and film screenings.
A wing of the castle is still devoted to the production and sale of Ratilly sandstone.

Le Carrouge

Le Carrouge, 5 place de l’église in Treigny, is a gourmet address as we like them! A simple, well-made and homemade cuisine with fresh products… all at very reasonable prices!

Le Carrouge in Treigny
Le Carrouge in Treigny © Radio France
Karine Decalf
Emmanuel and his wife, Le Carrouge in Treigny
Emmanuel and his wife, Le Carrouge in Treigny © Radio France
Karine Decalf

A real country restaurant to discover the products of the region! Remember to book, it is the advice of France Bleu Auxerre!

Earl of the Petits Criots in Sainte Colombe

HAS the Petits Criot farm in Sainte-Colombe, Muriel and Freddy Michaud raise Charolais and Limousin cows there and market the meat.

Freddy Michaud, Earl Les Petits Criots
Freddy Michaud, Earl Les Petits Criots © Radio France
Karine Decalf

They offer you direct sale at the farm on order in different 5 kg trays on a simple phone call to 06 86 58 47 60

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