in the heart of Izioum, a city recaptured by the Ukrainian army from Russian forces



France 2

Article written by

A.Vahramian, S.Yassine, A.Sardarian, Y.Kadouch – France 2

France Televisions

The Ukrainian president went to Izium on Wednesday. The city was recaptured on Sunday from Russian forces.

In the reconquered city of Izium (Ukraine), the Ukrainian soldiers are happy. Within hours, a makeshift bridge was installed to allow the soldiers to return to the city. The traces of the fighting are still visible, Wednesday, September 14, in the streets of the city of 45,000 inhabitants, which was occupied by Russian forces for five months. The Russian soldiers left quickly, leaving behind them the spoils of war: tanks as well as ammunition.

Izioum barely released, it’s time to settle scores. The inhabitants challenge the mayor of the city, who fled when the Russian troops arrived. “The mayor betrayed us, he abandoned us, without water, without electricity”, testifies a resident. The town hall served as the headquarters of the Russian forces. Izium was a strategic place for supplying Moscow. Its loss weakens Russia on the Eastern Front.

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