In the Hauts-de-France, Dany Boon finds his ch’ti audience with the preview of the film “A beautiful race”

This is the cinematic event of this fall. After Welcome to the Ch’tis and The Ch’tite familythe two Northerners, Dany Boon and Line Renaud, find themselves in A great race, a moving new film about an elderly lady who, before leaving to live in an Ephad, wants to see one last time the places that have counted in her life. The film was recently premiered in Arras, without Line Renaud, 94, who could not make the trip.

France 3 Nord Pas-de-Calais: T. Millot / E. Quinart / A. Chantoiseau

Dany Boon coming to promote a film in his native land is always an event. That day, in Arras, the public is numerous to wait in front of the cinema Megarama the child of the country. Signings, selfies, the actor plays the game with pleasure. His fans are delighted. “I haven’t had the chance to see him on stage until now. But I’ve been to see all his films. I live 40 minutes from here. I really wanted to meet him”, says this gentleman who managed to take a photo with the actor.

A notoriety that eclipses the presence of the director of the film, Christian Carion, yet also a northerner. “I’m used to it, whether it’s in the North or in the South. But it’s nothing because he’s a great actor”, he specifies.

The actress, because of her old age, could not participate in this marathon of previews in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais. But Line Renaud wanted to record a video to express all her disappointment at not being present in front of her dear ch’ti audience. An audience that has very well received the moving story of Madeleine, the character she plays.

At 92, the old lady has to go live in a retirement home. She takes a taxi to get there but, before, she asks Charles, the driver played by Dany Boon, to take her to see the neighborhoods of her past. This taxi trip in Paris will bring the two characters together and plunge the viewer into a moving story. “The most important thing is that this story gave Line her most beautiful role”, rejoices Dany Boon who, in life, is also very close to the actress. A complicity that bursts the screen.

“A beautiful race”, released this Wednesday, September 21, 2022

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