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Even if the war in Ukraine seems far away, the conflict worries companies, but also the inhabitants of Gers, a few weeks before the presidential election of April 2022. Immersion for the Campaign Notebook section of 19/20, Thursday March 3.
In the Gers, if the war in Ukraine is far away in terms of distance, the consequences are still felt. This is particularly the case for a wealth of the department, Armagnac. In one company, 10,000 bottles are ready to be exported, a total of 200,000 euros. But the command is stuck with the conflict. jerome Delordthe boss, and his 17 employees are worried about the future.
The Russian invasion has repercussions on the presidential campaign for some residents. On a market, a man is favorable to the postponement of the election, when another would like to have a European army. But the fighting also brings back memories to the oldest, and upsets some people deep inside, especially those who were resistant during the Second World War.