in the face of ecological disaster, the need to “go out of fashion”

The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world, whether in terms of water consumption or CO2 emissions. However, the number of clothes produced each year around the world continues to increase, while it would be enough to change the way we consume to put an end to this environmental carnage.

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Behind a single T-shirt hides several thousand liters of water, and the textile industry in total accounts for around 1.2 billion tonnes of CO2 emitted each year, or around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. . Added to this already colossal environmental cost are water pollution problems and often dramatic working conditions for the 75 million workers in the sector worldwide.

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This situation has been accentuated since the beginning of the 2000s, with the rise of the fast fashion industry, i.e. the mass production of clothing, often of poor quality, made at the other end of the world, to satisfy, in large part, the demand of Westerners.

However, many solutions exist to put an end to this harmful consumption for workers and the environment. Starting with a drastic reduction in our consumption. From “responsible” fashion to the purchase of second-hand clothes, via recycling, in this episode of A degree of conscience, Salomé Saqué and Emma Haziza expose the different existing alternatives, to dress differently.

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