in the face of attacks, Marine Le Pen returns to the field

Behind the stalls of the Pertuis market (Vaucluse), whistles and insults are heard. Thirty opponents follow Marine Le Pen, Friday, April 15, all along the square lined with plane trees. Imperturbable, the candidate smiled, greeting residents and traders.

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Objective of the day: to reassure against the risk of re-demonization, in this city less favorable to the National Rally. In the first round, the voters of Pertuis placed Emmanuel Macron in the lead (25.79%), Marine Le Pen just behind (25.45%). The RN candidate faces invective, as with this woman of Algerian origin who challenges the candidate: “You always talk about the French, but we are French! My grandfather fought in the First World War, my father in the Second World War! We love this country!” What Marine Le Pen defends herself against.

“Listen to me so that I can reassure you: all French people, whatever their origin, their religion, their first name… All French people, I fight for them. All French people are concerned by my project, without exception. “

Marine Le Pen

at franceinfo

A few steps further, a young woman stops, a little boy in her arms. “I am married to a woman, explains this residentdo you intend to change anything or not? The RN candidate replies: “No, I said it last night in my meeting, I will not take away any rights from the French.”

Concerns are expressed about the program of the candidate, on several occasions, but Marine Le Pen does not always manage to dispel them. “What does the veil have to do with politics?”calls out Fatima, in her sixties, a white scarf on her head. “Well because the veil is a uniform that people who have a radical vision of Islam are trying to impose over time”explains the candidate. “No, I started wearing the veil once I got oldjustifies Fatima. It’s a sign of being a grandmother.”

The two women talk about the veil for young girls, say they are against it, but they end up separating without coming to an agreement. Marine Le Pen does not amend her position which is to ban the veil everywhere. Meetings with less conquered French people in response to Emmanuel Macron’s attacks on Marine Le Pen’s risk-free campaign, an attempt to escape the warnings of what the candidate is going back to naming the system. “We have the possibility of getting out of a system that has been perpetuated for 30 yearssays candidate RN. It is quite normal for this system to seek to defend itself, including in the most brutal way.” At the end of a week peppered with false notes, the candidate reconnects with the field, one of the keys to her campaign in the first round.

Presidential 2022: in the face of attacks, Marine Le Pen returns to the field – Report by Hadrien Bect


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