in the event of victory and cohabitation, what could the government of Jean-Luc Mélenchon look like?

They are neck and neck in the polls: a stone’s throw from the first round of the legislative elections on Sunday June 12, the current majority and the left united under the Nupes banner expect to clash in a very big number of constituencies. When Emmanuel Macron asks the French to give him an absolute majority, Jean-Luc Mélenchon sees himself as Prime Minister. And he is preparing for it.

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According to our information, in the event of victory, the leader of the Insoumis knows exactly where he wants to go: he wants to embody “a left of governmental rupture“but theorizes, probably to reassure his partners on the left, an almost appeased exercise of power.”If I win, I have no interest in governing in conflict with the Head of State, I have no interest in triggering a conflict that disrupts the entire mandate“, assures the rebellious.

Beyond the joke that he repeats at will, “I prefer the gardens of Matignon“Reputedly prettier than those of the Elysée, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is preparing seriously:”I’m taking it easy, I know what’s gonna happen“. Do not count on him to say more. His lieutenants give some indications on the structure, which is intended to be innovative, with, for example, on the names of the ministries, whose redesigned perimeters would make it possible to embody Goals.

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Example with the Ministry of Agriculture which will be transformed into “Ministry of Food”. Another project: Bercy which will be reviewed from top to bottom. “In particular, there will be a tax justice and economic reorientation pole and another on the regulation of companies in connection with the environment.“, confides to us this LFI executive, who would also see himself directing it. The administrative teams of the Ministry of the Economy should also undergo a profound restructuring.

Conversely, understaffed ministries, such as that of the Ecological Transition, will see their staff increase considerably. The sovereign ministries will not change their title, however: Justice, Army and Interior. But for the latter, it’s a total reform, “from cellar to attic” which is planned.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon confides it: “I want to install the next generations in power“. It is the great ambition of the one who will soon no longer be a deputy, to leave a mark and launch new figures. Unsurprisingly, therefore, the thirty-year-old deputies who surround him at France Insoumises will be: Adrien Quatennens, Mathilde Panot , Manuel Bompard or MEP Manon Aubry, without forgetting the most experienced and faithful Eric Coquerel and Alexis Corbière or even Clémentine Autain, whom the rebellious chief particularly appreciates, even if their relationship has not always been easy.

For them, a place is assured for them in his future government. And for the other left formations? “Who asks for nothing, has nothing“, comments the potential future conductor. And for the moment, taken up by their campaign, no figure from the other parties would, according to him, have applied. But in the event of a victory in ten days, his telephone will be stormed.

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