In the event of the dissolution of the National Assembly, LFI and the RN say they are “ready” to return to the campaign

The two opposition parties are preparing to return to voters, while Emmanuel Macron recently brandished the threat of dissolution.

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Even if Olivier Véran, the government spokesman, seemed to reject this possibility, the oppositions are preparing for a possible dissolution of the National Assembly. The deputy La France insoumise, Clémentine Autain, like her colleague from the National Rally, Sébastien Chenu, said to themselves “loans”Sunday, November 6, to return to voters.

“We are ready. Not only do we have the ideas, the project, the applications, but we have even stored some paper” to print tracts, professions of faith or ballots, assured Clémentine Autain on Radio J. Judging that a dissolution is “likely”without knowing the “term”the elected representative of Seine-Saint-Denis was in favor of such an option, not being “not satisfied with the political balance today”.

“It does not scare us”, abounded Sébastien Chenu on BFMTV. “We are ready, because we are a party of militants with men and women who want to conquer power to carry out another policy”added the RN deputy from the North. “We are ready to go to the campaign, we are ready to govern the country”hammered the Vice-President of the Assembly.

Emmanuel Macron had himself brandished in September the threat of a dissolution. Asked about this subject, during the program “Sunday in politics” on France 3, Olivier Véran nevertheless estimated that the French “did not wish” a dissolution, even if the government only has a relative majority, which pushes the executive, according to him, “to have transpartisan agreement procedures”.

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