Two motions of censure were tabled on Friday, one by the independent group Liot, the other by the National Rally, after the use of 49.3 by the government to have the pension reform adopted without a vote.
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A hand extended to the right. The boss of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, assured thatin “case of dissolution of the National Assembly”his side “will not present candidates in the constituencies where LR deputies will vote, with [les élus RN]censorship against the government”. He spoke on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste” on C8Friday March 17, a few hours after the use of article 49.3 by the government to pass the pension reform without the vote of parliamentarians.
“Stop sectarianism”he added, calling “to put political labels aside”. Two motions of censure were tabled on Friday, one by the independent group Liot, co-signed by Nupes, the other by the RN.
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A call confirmed on Saturday on France Inter by MP Laure Lavalette, spokesperson for the RN group in the Assembly. “We push the LRs to couragesaid the elected Var. In the event of the dissolution of the National Assembly, the National Rally will not put a candidate in front of the courageous LRs who would have voted for this motion of censure.