In the Dordogne, Claude and Françoise celebrate their 72nd Valentine’s Day

They installed their walkers stuck side by side on the sidewalk, in front of the Bertran-de-Born high school in Périgueux. At 90 and 93, Claude and Françoise are celebrating their 72nd Valentine’s Day together today.

“We met in Angoulême, when we were 12, 13 years old”, says Françoise. That year, Françoise’s older sister married Claude’s older brother. “And then he left to study in Paris, so we were separated”, she adds. A few years later, they got married, then never left each other. “I love him deeply, and until my death, we will love each other! Love is wonderful! I say thank you, we had such a beautiful life”smiles Françoise.

The years passed, they lived for a while in Morocco, before settling in Périgueux. There they had five children, then grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Today, 43 people make up their large tribe.

“We are dependent on each other”

“We no longer have to discover each other, if you want. But we’re so good that there’s no problem!”exclaims Françoise. “We never argued!”adds Claude.

Today, of course, it is no longer the same love, but it is still there. “It’s complicated with walkers, you can’t walk and hold hands at the same time”laughs Claude. “He takes care of the paperwork, and I take care of the meals.says Françoise. “We help each other.” Françoise can no longer move her arm, so Claude does her hair every morning. He also ties his shoes. “We are dependent on each other. I need him for some things, he needs me for others”smiles mischievously Françoise.

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