in the Donbass, life with the separatists


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

R. Moquillon, L. Lacroix, M. Semerjian – France 2

France Televisions

In the Donbass, in Granitoye (Ukraine), a third of the population lives under the regime of Russian and separatist forces.

For the past few days, the village of Granitoye (Ukraine), in the Donbass, has been held by Russian and separatist forces. A third of the population stayed behind. Some are delighted with the departure of the Ukrainian troops and a hoped-for end to the fighting. “Ukraine is no longer there. I’m happy. After eight years, we’ve had enough of them”says a resident.

Others try to adapt reluctantly. “I love Ukraine, I would like to live in Ukraine. We have no choice. What should I do? The soldiers have let us down”says a resident. “We are not forcing anyone to stay, those who want to go to Ukraine just have to go to Ukraine”, specifies the commander of the separatist forces in the area. Those who choose to stay are eager to exchange their life savings. At the end of the month, they will only be able to pay in Russian rubles. The Ukrainian currency will no longer be worth anything.


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