In the Daval affair which is tearing France apart, Jonathann’s erectile dysfunction revealed!

This Monday, September 12, 2022, TF1 has decided to honor “The Daval Mystery”. The opportunity for the channel to retrace the entire investigation into the disappearance of Alexia Daval. Interrupted due to the pandemic, the trial of Jonathann Daval, the murderer and husband of the victim resumed on November 16, 2020 at the Haute-Saône Assize Court in Vesoul. The accused is currently serving a 25-year prison sentence for “spouse murder”.

After defending his cause against all odds, the computer scientist ended up confessing his crime: it was by strangulation that he took the life of his half. After his murder, the principal concerned dressed the latter in sportswear to cover his tracks. The first day of hearing made it possible to dissect a hypothesis: that of a post-mortem rape on Alexia Daval. Antoine Tracqui, the medical examiner who orchestrated the autopsy and analyzes on the body of the young woman has made intriguing revelations on this subject.

In the midst of turmoil, Jonathann Daval’s parents-in-law preferred to leave the courtroom to avoid hearing certain details. According to theIs Republican, the professor lifted the veil on the theory of a rape after the assassination of the banker. “Not only do I have no proof, but I have no positive arguments in this regard”indicated Antoine Tracqui, specifying “that there is no obvious sign of sexual violence”. In the process, he also honored Jonathann Daval’s erectile dysfunction which would have caused tension within his couple.

Wanting to give life, Alexia Daval was taking hormonal treatments that would have made her aggressive, defended the accused. “She blamed him in particular for his erection problems, and the fact of not having successful sexual intercourse. She also asked him to take more insurance, more responsibilities in his life”, analyzed Franck Paredes, the director of the investigation. For his part, Pr. Tracqui simply underlined a “psychological impotence” : “Jonathan is young, in relatively good health: there is no reason to think that there could be any organic substrate in the occurrence of his impotence”.


to see also: “You have no dignity”, “To vomit”, “To make ratings and money”” TF1 causes an uproar with its fiction on the Daval affair!

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