in the countryside in the Oise, Anne Hidalgo tries to turn the page of the popular Primary

The socialist candidate came to tow in a market in Creil on Thursday. Its withdrawal from the popular initiative was invited, despite itself, in the exchanges with the inhabitants.

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In the aisles of this market in Creil (Oise), near a popular district, under a fine rain, Anne Hidalgo distributes leaflets for her next meeting. “Winter on the markets is hard all the same, I worked for a long time on a market…”, she said in the direction of the traders. The candidate of the Socialist Party for the Presidential is very quickly overtaken by the question of the popular Left Primary. A resident asks her why she does not go: “Yeah, I tried, you know.”

“I tried to have a real primary and unfortunately they refused it, they refuse the debate”.

Anne Hidalgo

at franceinfo

Does Anne Hidalgo intend to remove her name from the list of participants, like Jean-Luc Mélenchon? No answer. The candidate walks away. “I’ll talk about it soon”, she tells us about the controversy over the organizers of the primary who wanted to put a spoke in the wheel for certain candidates. At his side, the socialist mayor of Creil, Jean-Claude Villemain, answers in his place: “We are in a democracy and that means that when we say ‘no’, we get our knuckles slapped. So they don’t have to slap their knuckles”.

“We don’t want to talk about Primary anymore. To us, it’s something that’s passed away. It doesn’t exist anymore.”

Jean-Claude Villemain

at franceinfo

A subject that Anne Hidalgo’s camp would dream of leaving in the past, but which continues to slow her down in the field of the campaign.

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