in the comedy “Lucky Winners”, winning the lottery turns into a nightmare



Video length: 2 min

Cinema: in the comedy “Lucky Winners”, winning the lottery turns into a nightmare

Cinema: in the comedy “Lucky Winners”, winning the lottery turns into a nightmare

(France 2)

In “Happy Winners”, in theaters Wednesday March 13, Audrey Lamy, Fabrice Éboué and Anouk Grinberg become disillusioned after winning the jackpot. A choral film on the other side of the winning ticket.

One in 19 million chance of being a lucky winner. A chance, not so sure, because in the cringe comedy Happy winners, the dream turns into a nightmare. Already on the verge of implosion, the couple played by Audrey Lamy and Fabrice Éboué believe they are saved by this money falling from the sky. “Five million more changes everything, but it doesn’t just change the wallet, it also changes in the head, it can make you hysterical”underlines comedian Fabrice Éboué, who plays the father of this family whose daily life is turned upside down by a winning ticket.

Several registers on the theme of the jackpot

A film made up of four stories in different registers: romantic comedy, action film, dark or satirical humor… With only one thing in common, having won the jackpot. Money can also make you crazy. As proof, the character played by actress Anouk Grinberg will transform into a criminal. A comedy full of twists and turns. Every year, 25 million French people play Loto or Euromillions at least once.

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