In the Biden Christmas tree, a photo … of the Trumps

(Washington) Garlands galore, gingerbread and, hanging on the Christmas tree, a photo … of the Trumps: in an America more divided than ever, the Biden play appeasement, at least symbolic, at the approach end of year celebrations.

During a visit on Monday, reporters walked through an ornately decorated and illuminated White House for Christmas, in traditional style. They saw a replica of the places made of gingerbread, a table set for a festive meal, socks with the names of the little children of the Biden …

But what probably caught their attention the most, in the decoration overseen by First Lady Jill Biden, were small touches reminiscent of the previous occupants of the premises.

The Biden’s hung a framed photo of the Trump couple among snapshots of other presidential families adorning one of their Christmas trees. They also exhibited greeting cards signed by Donald Trump.

This despite the antagonism between the former and the current president. Joe Biden hardly ever pronounces the name of his predecessor, which he calls “the other guy”. And Donald Trump continues to claim he won the 2020 election.

Once installed in the White House, the Trumps had ignored certain customs marking the courteous transmission of power: they did not invite their predecessors for tea, and Donald Trump did not invite Barack Obama to a solemn ceremony for the hanging of the official portrait of the latter.

The White House has put much emphasis on Jill Biden’s involvement in the preparations for the year-end festivities, noting that the first lady has requested additional adornments.

One way to make a difference with Melania Trump? According to revelations published by a former relative, Donald Trump’s wife had little taste for these preparations and would have launched: “No one cares about this Christmas stuff, right? ”

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