in the Bas-Rhin, an association is fighting to save an Alsatian house in danger



France 3

Article written by

France 3 Alsace, C. Peyrot, A. Blanchard, J. Scharwatt – France 3

France Televisions

In Hochfelden, in the Bas-Rhin, an association is fighting to keep a half-timbered building threatened with destruction. Instead, the municipality wants to build a parking lot.

It is a small house, in the center of Hochfelden (Bas-Rhin), which dates from the beginning of the 19th century. Property of the municipality, it must be demolished and replaced by 20 parking spaces, in order to facilitate parking near shops. “For me, it can be destroyed. I can see the parking lot here “, says a supporter of the demolition, while another reports that the house is “not necessarily very remarkable“.

The destruction shocks many residents, however. “It is a heritage of Alsace that must be preserved absolutely“, estimates a man. ASMA, the association for the safeguard of the Alsatian house, recommends to renovate it. The defender of the French heritage, Stéphane Bern, gave them his support, as well as the president of the European Collectivity of Alsace, Frédéric Bierry. “What is most scandalous in this case is that there is a young couple who are ready to buy the house, (…) and at their own expense to rehabilitate it“, explains Denis Elbel, vice-president of ASMA. The association also argues that saving the house is compatible with the parking project, reduced to 17 places instead of 20.

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