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How to deal with scenes of violence when you are a doctor or a nurse? In Romilly-sur-Seine, in Aube, emergency personnel follow training provided by the elite units of the GIGN.
Hospital emergencies are a world under pressure. In Romilly-sur-Seine (Aube), insults are daily, and attacks sometimes become physical. To train nurses and emergency reception staff, Major Nocent, regional negotiator for the GIGN, advises in particular to avoid sound escalation, and to verbalize emotions.
When mediation is not enough, healthcare professionals must distance themselves and call for help as much as possible. The members of the GIGN also teach some holds. “In my daily practice, I think it will be very useful to me, because I am on a site where I am alone at night”, says a nurse. Outside the microphone, trained caregivers are also asking for more resources, to avoid frustration and violence in the emergency room.