in the absence of Didier Deschamps, bereaved, Guy Stéphan will take over for the match against Denmark

On the stage of the auditorium of the Stade de France, it is a silhouette and a face unaccustomed to the light of the projectors which settle. A few minutes after Hugo Lloris’ appearance at a press conference on Thursday June 2, on the eve of the France team’s match against Denmark, Guy Stéphan is preparing to answer journalists’ questions.

Didier Deschamps’ assistant will be in charge of the France team for this first match of the June rally, in the absence of the coach. Since Tuesday, the latter is bereaved by the death of his father and went to his family in the Basque Country. For the first time in ten years, the Blues will not be led by “DD”.

I have regularly had Didier on the phone since Tuesday, he is obviously touched by the bereavement that strikes him. But he’s tough, he’s solid. He won’t be here tomorrow but he will be back soon. We must respect his mourning, he is in his family, who also need him“, detailed the coach’s assistant at a press conference.

On paper, the absence of Deschamps will not change much, said Guy Stéphan: “We prepared the match before and at the start of the rally with Didier. (…) We seek to ensure continuity until his return” Same story on the side of the captain, Hugo Lloris: “We miss our main leader and tomorrow, his absence will be quite special. (…) But even if we will have a thought for the coach and his family, we will be focused on our opponent of the day.

This opponent will be Denmark, semi-finalist of the last Euro, which the Blues will face twice in the League of Nations, before a new match at the World Cup. A selection that Stéphan judged “underside“. The assistant of Deschamps did not give details on the identity of the eleven who will start the meeting tomorrow, but assured that a “spin“would take place over the four matches that the Blues will play in ten days,”in all areas of the game“.

Stéphan then led a training session on the lawn of the Stade de France. During the fifteen minutes open to the media, the 24 Blues were present, including Karim Benzema. The Real Madrid striker, winner of the Champions League last Saturday at this same Stade de France, will be good for service tomorrow night. But Guy Stéphan maintained doubts about a potential tenure of number 19 of the Blues.

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