in Texas, faced with inflation, “the American middle class is sinking into precariousness”

“Thank you for everything you do! You have such a big heart, you can’t imagine how much you help me!” Sitting at the wheel of her pick-up, window down, Elena showers compliments on the Food Bank employee who has just taken her contact information. Behind the two women, a long line of cars stretches in a parking lot in southern Austin, the capital of Texas (United States). There are dozens of drivers, on this day at the end of October, waiting for the volunteers of this “drive” to load boxes filled with canned food and vegetables into their trunk.

>> United States: we explain the challenges of the midterms, the crucial midterm elections for Joe Biden

“We will surely have an uninterrupted flow of cars throughout the distribution”points out Paul Gaither, communications manager for the Central Texas Food Bank, standing between two pallets of vegetables. Between April and September, the organization saw the number of requests for help increase by 11% compared to the previous six months. An increase that she attributes to inflation, which reached 8.2% over one year in September in the United States, according to NBC*. A level not seen for 40 years.

In this context, no wonder the economy has become the number one concern of Americans ahead of the midterm elections. (ADD PEDAGO LINK), according to a series of polls by the Gallup Institute*. For Republicans, soaring prices are also an opportunity to attack Joe Biden’s record and try to regain control of Congress from Democrats on Tuesday, November 8.

In Texas, a state traditionally won over to the conservatives, some voters are nevertheless less categorical about the politicians responsible for this economic crisis. “I wish our elected officials would work to improve the situation, but most of them don’t care what happens to people like me”sweeps Luis, a 59-year-old cook who came to the distribution. “We will continue to suffer regardless of the party in power”nods Russell, a 76-year-old retiree who waits a little further in the parking lot.

Like the other inhabitants of Austin met by franceinfo, this former soldier is more concerned by the state of his bank account than by the upcoming election. “Many Texans face terrible choices every day: pay their medical bills, their bills, or their food.”justifies Paul Gaither, of the Food Bank.

Austin resident Nicky during a food aid distribution from the Central Texas Food Bank (USA), October 25, 2022.   (MARIE-VIOLETTE BERNARD / FRANCEINFO)

This is the case of Nicky, who accompanies her sister to a distribution for the first time. In recent months, the rent of this employee of a supermarket chain has increased by “200 dollars”his bills of “100 dollars”. “Wages, they do not move”complains the thirty-something. “The money I save with this food aid will allow me to buy toilet paper or shampoo, or pay for gas to go to work.she rejoices. For the moment, we still manage to pay for everything, by organizing ourselves well.”

Russell is not so lucky. Each time the line of cars stops, the retiree immediately cuts the engine. “My tank is almost dry and I only have 9 dollars left in my pocket.he confides, his eyes half-hidden by a faded cap. The price of petrol has increased a lot, so I try to consume as little as possible.” His meager pension of $1,040 is used to cover his needs, as well as those of his nephew, his wife and their three children. “They lost their jobs during the pandemic and came to live with me. Even if my nephew found a job, it’s not enough to help me with the charges.”

“Every month, we have to decide which bill to pay. I try to pay something to each company, so that they don’t cut us any service. But I already have $600 in unpaid bills just for electricity.”

Russell, retired

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“Anything that can help us close the month is positive”, continues Russell. To limit expenses as much as possible, the septuagenarian comes twice a month to the Food Bank distributions. “We manage to last a week with a package, by rationing”he breathes. “In recent months, applicants have come in greater numbers, but also more frequently”supports Sari Vatske, president of the Central Texas Food Bank.

“While some only came occasionally, for emergency aid, there is a chronic dependence on food aid.”

Sari Vatske, president of the Central Texas Food Bank

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Recipients of family allowances find themselves “short of income” earlier in the month, due in particular to soaring prices, points out the boss of the organization by observing volunteers and employees busying themselves around the cars. The Food Bank itself suffers from inflation.

An employee in the Central Texas Food Bank warehouse in Austin on October 25, 2022. (MARIE-VIOLETTE BERNARD / FRANCEINFO)

“Fuel for our heavy truck fleet, which is used to transport food aid throughout central Texas, is more expensive. Our headquarters loads have increased”list Sari Vatske, in reference to the 12,500 m2 building which houses the offices, a warehouse and a kitchen.We have also decided to increase the salaries of our employees to compensate for the loss of their power. purchase.”

At the other end of the parking lot, the engine of Elena’s pickup coughs before producing an unreassuring squeal. “Oh no! You have to hold on a little longer”, pleads the driver in a mixture of English and Spanish, tapping her steering wheel. Before the pandemic, this mother of nine children had never had to go to a food aid distribution. “My husband has a painting business, and we were doing wellshe says without ever ceasing to smile. But for the past two years, he has had very little work: people have no money to do work at home.” The overhaul at the garage will have to wait.

Elena, a stay-at-home mother, also came to collect a food aid package in Austin, October 25, 2022. (MARIE-VIOLETTE BERNARD / FRANCEINFO)

However, it is difficult to do anything without a vehicle in Austin. “Taking public transport turns a 30-minute journey into a 2-hour journey”points Michael Tullius, head of the charity program of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul of Austin, a Catholic charitable organization. “When they find themselves in financial difficulty, many prefer to sleep in their car rather than pay rent”continues the forties, seated in a small cluttered office in the north of the city.

“Without a car, it’s impossible to get to work, to take a second job to make ends meet, to take the children to school or to the doctor.”

Michael Tullius, head of the charitable program of the Society of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul

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In 2021, Austin had more than 3,000 homeless people, estimates the local organization Echo*. A phenomenon that Michael Tullius partly links to soaring real estate prices in the capital of Texas, which has become “one of the least affordable cities” of the United States, according to New York Times*. The Society of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul offers financial assistance to tenants in difficulty, “within the limit of twice a year, due to our small budget”. “We see residents whose landlord raises the rent by $300 to $600 when the lease is reneweddenounces Michael Tullius. Unable to pay that much, the most vulnerable end up on the streets or having to leave Austin.”

If inflation has disastrous consequences for the most precarious, everyone feels the effects”, says Martha. This bank employee admits to being in a comfortable situation, “without obligation to deprive oneself because of the rise in prices”. All the same, she rummages through the aisles of the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul thrift store, in search of “of a bargain”. “We try to be vigilant. My son was fired twice during the pandemic, he came back to live with us”she testifies.

“He’s working again, but he’s earning less than before and has debts to pay off. With rising rents, he can’t afford to move.”

Austin resident Martha

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“The face of precariousness has changed”, confirms Sari Vatske. Some 93% of families helped by the Central Texas Food Bank have a fixed home and two-thirds have at least one working adult. However, 60% of these households need the NGO’s distributions to survive. “We see people arriving in beautiful cars, ashamed of having to ask for help to eat their fill”abounds Michael Tullius.

Four years ago, the Society of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul helped just over 80 households during its weekly food distribution. There are now 800 families who flock to the gates of the organization every Saturday. And the association’s thrift store, which offers furniture and clothing at ridiculous prices, is always full.

Customers in the thrift store of the Society of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul in Austin, Texas (United States), October 27, 2022. (MARIE-VIOLETTE BERNARD / FRANCEINFO)

“The hourly minimum wage in Texas is $7.25. For many, that means having no decent living conditions is impossible,” relieves Michael Tullius. Without measures to help them, “the American middle class is slowly sinking into precariousness”judge the head of the association. “Public and private actors, political leaders… We must all work together to find lasting solutions to food insecurity, also pleads Sari Vatske. And it is imperative that the voice of the poorest is heard.” For this, there is only one possible solution, argues Michael Tullius: “Go vote Tuesday, November 8.”

* Links marked with asterisks refer to content in English.

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