in Tel Aviv the gay pride is canceled, consequence of the war against Hamas

The pride march was to take place on June 8. The mayor of Tel Aviv made the decision to cancel it.


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Tel Aviv waterfront buildings.  (JEAN DANIEL SUDRES / JEAN DANIEL SUDRES)

As a result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Tel Aviv gay pride will not take place this year in its usual form. It’s a decision by city Mayor Ron Huldai. “Now is not the time to party.”, justifies the elected official while hostages are still being held in the Gaza Strip. This pride march, a huge event, was to take place on June 8.

Sitting at the Layla Bar, a gay bar in Tel Aviv, Shalom hears the news: “No parade, to support the hostages? Ok! This is what we have to do.” A feeling shared by his companion Daniel: “Now is not the time to party.” Yet the city’s bars are full, the nightclubs too, he himself is out this evening: “We have to continue living! But in relation to public opinion, personally, I don’t feel the desire to celebrate in a big event. So I’m happy that it’s canceled.”

Tel Aviv Gay Pride brings together thousands of people every year, especially tourists. But Tomer doesn’t feel like taking part in a major event either: “We can party discreetly in clubs and bars like here, but having a big parade in the streets is a little too early given the situation.” Out of respect also for the soldiers who fight: “It’s unfortunate of course I hope things get back to normal soon,” Noah hopes. A rally calling for the release of the hostages will take place at the parade square.

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