The year 2024 begins in the Middle East with no prospect of an outcome between Israel and Hamas. However, in Tel Aviv, Israelis tried, as best they could, to take a break on New Year’s Eve.
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The countdown, horns and music in downtown Tel Aviv, Israel, drowned out the sound of alarms on the evening of Sunday 31 December. They sounded at midnight sharp, while around twenty rockets were intercepted above the city. Amid the celebration, these alarms reminded residents that the war continues. Because the year 2024 starts like 2023 ended, with fighting continuing between Israel and Hamas. The war started almost three months ago now and there is still no agreement on a truce, or even a ceasefire.
In Tel Aviv, Israeli revelers tried on New Year’s Eve to take their minds off things, without really succeeding. “It’s a little hard for us to be outside, confides this resident. And to celebrate when we know that our soldiers and our friends are fighting and being killed to keep our country safe. But at the same time, we must remain happily united. It’s the only thing we can hope for together.”.
A battery installed on a bicycle pierces the crowd. In the back, a large Israeli flag brushes against a group of young people. “It’s very different. Something in the air is different. Look, there’s even a little tower with police officers here”describes one of them. “You can see all the police officers, it’s a lot more than usual”continues another. These armed agents bypass an improvised dance floor in the middle of the street.
“We don’t dance on the dead”
David, in Tel Avivat franceinfo
“We don’t applaud, explains David, who lives in Tel Aviv. Each of us has, deep in our hearts and minds, the events that took place but don’t let that stop us. We want to get back to life.”. He also says he wants peace for Israelis and Palestinians, but without Hamas. Appeasement is still far away.