Five months after the Hamas attack and after five months of war in Gaza, Iran’s support for the Palestinian cause remains more than ever one of the pillars of the Islamic Republic’s policy.
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“Death to Israel!”, this is what Ali says, leaving the great Mossala mosque in Tehran. Excited, the young man says he is ready to go fight. “If I had to choose between the devil and Israel, I still prefer the devil”, he asserts on the microphone of franceinfo. This speech is that of the Iranian regime, sworn enemy of Israel. Because behind Hamas, the shadow of Iran looms.
“If we are not going to fight them there, we will one day have to fight them on our soil.”
Ali, a young Iranianon franceinfo
The Islamic Republic leads an alliance called the “Axis of Resistance.” From Yemen to Syria, from Iraq to Lebanon, groups of fighters linked to Tehran threaten to strike Israeli and Western interests, because support for the Palestinian cause constitutes one of the pillars of Iranian policy.
Support, but no direct involvement
Mohammad Hosseini, Iranian vice-president for parliamentary affairs, welcomes this support. “Today the resistance fighters in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and especially the innocent people of Gaza have their eyes turned towards Iran, which is their most reliable support”he assures.
Support, but no more. For five months, Iran has been trying to avoid direct confrontation, as assured by Hossein, who wears the white turban of the mullahs. “Iran will certainly not intervene. As the Iranian authorities have declared, the Palestinian people and the Hamas resistance will cope. There is no need for Iran to get directly involved.”he believes.