in tears, Ayvin’s mother “begs” him to “help” him!

The passport of his son Ayvin confiscated since November 15, 2022 by his ex-companion Vincent Miclet, Ayem Nour lives a real hell. The columnist and host has been stranded in Morocco since that date, along with her son. Not wishing to return to France to leave her little boy alone, Nabilla’s friend continues to take steps to win her case, but nothing seems to help.

The situation is becoming more and more alarming. Indeed, as our colleagues from Here is, it is impossible for a foreign person to stay more than three consecutive months on Moroccan soil. Despite everything, Ayem Nour seems to have managed to circumvent certain laws because on March 5, 2023, she appeared in the company of Slimane at the Manzil La Tortue hotel in Marrakech. However, it was in tears that she appeared on Instagram on Monday March 27 to call for help.

See also: Urgent – ​​the son of Ayem Nour “kidnapped” on Moroccan soil, his ex Vincent Miclet launches the alert!

Ayem Nour’s call for help

After two months of absence from social networks, Ayem Nour has published a new video in which she directly challenges the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, as well as the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron. “YOUR MAJESTY, MR. PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, I am issuing a cry for help, a cry for help, a cry of distress from a distraught mother”she warns in the preamble before begging them for him “assist”. “I beg you to enforce the law and the French court decisions that have already been made and let us go home. I beg you not to separate me from my child”she begs afterward.

Matthieu Delormeau’s columnist in “TPMP People” does not stop there and asks for help from its subscribers: “I ask everyone who sees this video to share it so that my message and my dismay can be heard. It is time for this man who thinks he is above the law by the privileges that life has granted him to stop. to inflict his dictatorship, manipulation and intimidation on us is pure violence and injustice”. The young mother then wanted to thank all the people who wrote to her and supported her. But also those “who created or even signed the petitions for Ayvin”. “Thank you and know that today I am stronger than ever and that the love for my son who drives me will never make me give up until my last breath”she concluded still collapsed…


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