in tears, Ahmed Sylla makes disturbing secrets about his past

Since April 2022, the group of comedians made up of Roman Frayssinet Hakim Djemili, Redouane Bougheraba, Ahmed Sparrow or even Djimo has been at the controls of the show “Amuse bouche” on YouTube. In this program, they receive personalities who are then led to tell funny and crisp anecdotes, never told before.

This Sunday, May 28, 2023, it was Ahmed Sylla’s turn to play the game. The opportunity for the comedian to express himself in turn to speak on the controversy launched by Blanche Gardin. “When there was the Blanche Gardin controversy, I wanted to say real things. We were not even offered €200,000. But my mother’s life, tomorrow they offer me €200,000, I do it” he declared without embarrassment.

Ahmed Sylla then confided in his childhood and his youth, marked by nonsense. “I’m changing high school, I’m going to Vial high school and that’s where the problems start. Because I’m in the tierquar… On the one hand you want us to love you but you want us to respect you , so you start doing stupid things. It’s a gear, you start dating people who can get you in trouble, you start doing things that can get you in trouble… I do all that and it goes away in peanuts for me. I find myself hiding stuff at home. I think that even if there is a prescription, if I tell it there, I think I can be in police custody!” told the comedian of 33 years.

“And then I say to myself I have two choices. Either I die, or I go to prison, or I stop my bullshit. my life…” continues Ahmed Sylla before recounting, in tears, the day when one of his best friends died, shot dead in 2008, because of the settling of scores between cities.

The comedian then ends up telling a terrible anecdote about an evening where he almost died in turn after crossing a rival gang while he was in the car and a shot went off. Fortunately, Ahmed Sylla escaped unscathed and then launched into humor, he who has always been known to “make people laugh”.

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