In Switzerland, a suicide assistance capsule will probably be used “very soon”, despite criticism

According to the association The Last Resort, which created the device, the first death in this capsule could occur by the end of the year.


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A photo of the Sarco suicide assistance capsule in Zurich, Switzerland, on July 17, 2024. (ARND WIEGMANN / AFP)

An assisted suicide capsule, which allows you to take your own life without the help of a doctor, could be used “very soon” in Switzerland, according to the association The Last Resort which promotes it. The latter did not communicate further details, specifying that the first death in this capsule could occur by the end of the year. “That’s all we can say,” said Fiona Stewart, a sociologist specializing in public health issues and an advisory member of the association’s board of directors, on Wednesday, July 17.

“We really do not want a person’s wish to die peacefully in Switzerland to turn into a media circus,” she also said. Called “Sarco” for sarcophagus, this futuristic-looking capsule has been causing a stir since the newspaper NZZ on Sunday revealed in early July that it could be used for the first time on Swiss soil, where medically assisted suicide is already authorized in specific cases.

With “Sarco”, the person who wants to end their life will have to press the button themselves after answering a series of questions to confirm that they understand what they are doing and release nitrogen into the capsule. “After two or three breaths, she will lose consciousness and die a few minutes later.”described Fiona Stewart. A psychiatric examination to prove that the person is in full possession of their faculties will be necessary.

“It’s totally surreal”Jean-Jacques Bise, co-president of Exit, one of the Swiss organizations that provides medically assisted suicide, reacted to AFP. According to him, this capsule risks upsetting the legal framework in which organizations that provide medically assisted death operate. “with dignity”. “If there are any slippages, politicians will consider making legislation that will certainly be much stricter,” he believes.

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