In Sudan, the invisible crisis

In Sudan, an unprecedented humanitarian crisis is taking place, and has been for several months. Indeed, the military conflict that is ravaging this large African country, which began in April 2023, is, in other words, a simple struggle for power between the regular Sudanese army and the paramilitary force called the “RSF”. These two military forces, each of which has allied countries that support them, have created a civil war that affects almost the entire Sudanese territory. This civil war is said to have caused the displacement of more than 10 million people and left more than 15,000 dead. NGOs such as Human Rights Watch even suspect the RSF of being guilty of genocide against the non-Arab peoples of the Darfur region. This civil war would therefore be one of the worst calamities at the moment.

Knowing all this, one can therefore ask questions. Why do we not hear more about this conflict? Why do our youth, who are so ready to demonstrate against all the evils and inequalities of the earth, have only silence to offer for this Sudanese conflict? Why are there no Sudanese flags flying in the streets and during demonstrations? Why are there no camps in front of universities to express our support for the Sudanese and Darfurian people? Since all these things exist to express our support for Palestine, why is there no equivalent for Sudan?

There is probably an answer to all these questions, but it may be hard to swallow. The only answer that comes to mind is that African conflicts are clearly not taken seriously. They are seen as second-rate problems. Unavoidable or insoluble problems. One thing is certain: our indifference only encourages both sides to continue fighting and to continue their barbaric acts against innocent Sudanese civilians.

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