in Spain, multiple jobs to curb the crisis



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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Friday 2 September.

In Spain, Ruben, a journalist, also does marketing work. But that is no longer enough. For some times time, he also took a job as a gas station attendant. For Christina, it’s the printing press in the morning and the web service of several merchants in the afternoon. More than half a million Spaniards are forced to multiply their professional activities.

In Switzerland, the unions are demanding wage increases. They sharpen their arguments before a decisive meeting next week with employers. But the call for profit sharing is likely to come up against an end of non-receipt, because inflation also affects employers.

In Liechtenstein, the Parliament was shaken in full debate by an earthquake of 3.9 on the Richter scale, Thursday, September 1st. Cautious, the head of Parliament decided to suspend the session.

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