In South Africa, the students of his former high school admire the course Elon Musk, “the visionary”

As a student, Elon Musk did not mark the spirits of the Pretoria Boys High Schooll, where it is presented as a discreet boy. Today, the new generations admire the journey of the man who now hesitates to buy Twitter for the crazy sum of 40 billion euros. With this stunt, Elon Musk awakened a certain pride in these 18-year-old boys.

Some have read his biography, like Joshua, others have listened to his podcasts like Adedamola… They are both fascinated by the richest man in the world, who attended the same high school benches as them: “He’s a visionary, he’s passionate, no matter what he’s into, whether it’s Twitter, Space X, Tesla, he makes something great out of it.“, smiles Josh. When Adedamola finds him”intriguing and inspiring“: “I listened to him on a podcast at Joe Rogan, you know the famous episode where he smokes a joint… to see a billionaire being so down to earth, I think it’s great.

The side “head in the stars” of Elon Musk also attracts these young people who see in space exploration the promise of a better future: “He wants to see colonies on Mars and, to tell you the truth, I completely agree with this vision, enthused Adedamola. Maybe it’s pure naivety, or because I’m still a kid and I have a lot of imagination, but I’m excited about such a future, it’s exciting.

On the other hand, their history teacher and now principal of the high school for boys in Pretoria has some reservations. Professor John Illsley has dedicated his whole life to teaching in this high school and he regrets that Elon Musk shows little attachment to his former establishment or his former country, where he does not invest. “I don’t think he is very attached to South Africa and yet I believe that when you make so much money, there is a moral obligation to look at where you come from. What worries me is that we end up admiring someone for their wealth rather than for the values ​​they embody.

Finally, John Illsley makes a wish: that Elon Musk spends at least one day in his old high school so that he can take root again with his origins.

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