in Shanghai, the zero Covid policy still lasts


France 2

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In Shanghai (China), 26 million inhabitants are still required to stay at home. The situation has been going on for more than two months.

Shanghai (China) has been in lockdown for 60 days. Initially, the confinement was only supposed to last four days. On Sunday May 29, a certain easing of the measures was decided. Some residents can go out, with special permission, from their residence to take a walk. Some public services like the metro and buses have been restarted. Cars are still a priori prohibited, but some supermarkets are open.

Be careful, you now need a PCR test of less than 72 hours to enter. These will become the daily life of the inhabitants of Shanghai. Cabins are popping up all over the city. The city officially counts 67 new cases of Covid-19, Monday, May 30. In Beijing, it is 14. The capital will not have experienced confinement and the easing of measures to is felt more and more every day, explains the journalist of France Télévisions, Arnauld Miguet.

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