in Shanghai, still confined, middle and high schools will reopen in June

Several restrictions have recently been lifted in the city, with the number of cases dropping sharply in recent weeks.

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A relaxation in the confinement imposed on the Chinese economic capital. Middle and high schools in Shanghai (China) will reopen in June to accommodate some of the students, the authorities announced on Thursday May 26.

Junior high and high school students approaching college entrance exams will be able to return to high school on June 6, said Yang Zhenfeng, deputy director of the city’s education department. Third-year students will be allowed to join their college from June 13. The other students will have to continue to follow their online lessons at home.

“A specialized organization will offer PCR tests to teachers and students (…) at the end of classes, so that they can obtain their results before classes resume the next day”clarified Yang Zhenfeng.

Faced with a resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic in China, a large part of the 25 million inhabitants of Shanghai have been forced to stay at home since the beginning of April. People can usually only go out for a few hours a day at best. Several restrictions have already been lifted with the sharp drop in the number of cases in recent weeks. The Ministry of Health announced 338 new positive cases in Shanghai in 24 hours on Thursday, compared to more than 25,000 at the end of April.

China, unlike most countries in the world, still applies a zero Covid strategy, which intends to limit the number of deaths as much as possible via massive confinements as soon as a few cases appear.

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