The jazz trumpeter performed on stage at the Théâtre de la Mer this Thursday, July 11, in support of the Astrid MRCPI association.
Reading time: 2 min

The sea theater of Sète (Hérault) to the sound of Ibrahim Maalouf and solidarity. Accompanied by his band The trumpets of Michelangelothe trumpeter offered a charity concert this Thursday, July 11, to support the Sète association Astrid MRCPI, which works to help children with rare cardiopulmonary diseases and which helps to partially finance the pediatric cardiology department of the Montpellier University Hospital. Part of the proceeds from the concert will go to the association.
“I received a letter that touched me a lot. I think that music is also used for that: to build bridges, to communicate, to be a kind of loudspeaker for associations that need to be heard, to be supported. It’s almost part of the DNA of our work as artists and musicians,” confides Ibrahim Maalouf.
Concert by trumpeter Ibrahim Maalouf for the benefit of the Astrid association on the stage of the Théâtre de la Mer in Sète
part of the profits will be donated to the association
(France 3 Occitanie: S. Banus / V. Barnabera / F. Rinauro / F. Paul-Pasier)
In the audience, on the steps of the Théâtre de la Mer, a very special spectator was present. Xavier Giner, the father of little Astrid, did not miss a crumb of the concert. For 14 years, he has carried the memory of his daughter taken away shortly before her 4th birthday by pulmonary arterial hypertension. After the pain, he decided to create an association that bears his daughter’s name. “Astrid left on April 4, 2010 at the age of three years and 7 months, and then I decided to get back on my feet,” confides Xavier Giner, president of the Astrid association.
Zazie, Christophe Willem, Michel Fugain or Kids United, the association organizes concerts every year to raise funds. They are used to improve the daily lives of children in the pediatric cardiology department of Montpellier where Astrid was treated.
This year, trumpeter, composer and producer Ibrahim Maalouf is back with a new project entitled Michelangelo’s Trumpets. A formation inspired by the name of a trumpet custom-made by his father. Equipped with four pistons, it allows you to play the famous quarter tone so precious in oriental music. Attached to the values of sharing and discovery, The Franco-Lebanese musician passes on his mastery of this instrument to the young performers in his new group.
Trumpets Of Michelangeloit is also a mixed album where jazz mixes with classical, pop, oriental or urban music.
Ibrahim Maalouf continues his tour in France and Europe with The Trumpets of Michel-Ange until 2025.