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As every evening, the 11pm takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It is the Eurozapping of Wednesday January 5, 2022.
In Serbia, the project of the Rio Tinto company, which plans to extract lithium in order to manufacture batteries for a million electric cars, is highly contested, despite the mining group’s efforts to gain public support. Suspended in December, it should however resume because the president refuses to stop in order to avoid a loss amounting to 1 billion euros.
In Germany, the village of Meinsberg can be proud of a form of energy autonomy. Indeed, the heat plant runs on regional wood and serves the entire village. Thanks to photovoltaic panels which complement each other, 500,000 liters of fuel oil are thus saved. “What makes us happy above all is that we are independent. No one imposes the cost of energy on us, we decide the price“, explains Karlheinz Kurz.
In Sweden researchers have found an effective method to get rid of mosquitoes. To do this, they extracted a molecule from malaria, which attracts mosquitoes. By mixing it with toxins and beet juice, they managed to make a cocktail that allows “kill thousands of mosquitoes within five hours of ingesting this solution“, explains Noushin Emaomi, a biologist at Stockholm University. This product, unlike a pesticide, spares other insects and is harmless to humans.
Finally, Switzerland is turning to vegan cheeses. In the country of Emmental, the subject seems absurd, and yet it is gaining ground. “The ultimate idea is to succeed in replacing all the different dairy products with plant products from the region.“, explains Freddy Hunziker, managing director of News Roots. With the demand, seon company, which already has about thirty employees, could still grow.