in Seine-Maritime, a therapeutic farm brings smiles to patients



Article written by

France 3 Normandy, F. Pesquet, B. Belamri, C. Charbonnier – France 3

France Televisions

In Bois-Guillaume, near Rouen, patients who have just been operated on find comfort in the midst of animals. The initiative is intended to be educational, and seems to be bearing fruit.

Between two physiotherapy treatments in Bois-Guillaume (Seine Maritime)Claudius Coutrotrecently operated on his shoulder, goes on an egg hunt. I go down every morning, I go to see the rabbits first, then the hens that I baptized. I find it restful, it’s relaxing. Then it makes you forget what we are here for”he confides.

Nicholas of Boishebertmanager of the company Côté Poultry, has set up several mini-farms around health establishments. That creates an animation around the place, which both allows patients to go out and have a real goal. It creates interaction, it allows you to create a bond”he develops. Agnes Canterela patient who has always lived with animals, appreciates the approach, and confides in going “every day” at the farm. In addition to pleasure, contact with animals also allows “to appease [certains] behavioral problems“, explains Lucy Giffardpsychologist at the Guillaume clinic.

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