In Sataya Lagoon, tourism threatens dolphins


Video length: 6 mins.

France 2

Article written by

A.Vahramian, S.Yassine, Villepin – France 2

France Televisions

In the middle of the Red Sea, it is possible to swim with dolphins. Without regulations, some tourism players do not take animal welfare into account.

In Sataya Lagoon, Egypt, in the heart of the Red Sea, it is possible to encounter dolphins. For a week, a French tourist boat will remain anchored in the lagoon. Valérie Valton, ethologist, specialist in interactions with cetaceans from the “Dolphinesse” association, explains to tourists how to meet the dolphins, already gathered around the boat. The swimmers slip slowly into the water to wait for them without moving.

Towards a regulation of the lagoon

With fewer swimmers than animals, an encounter was possible. “They are naturally attracted to us, so it was exceptional”, assures a man. Dolphin tourism is not always so peaceful. Every afternoon, boats bring tourists. Valérie Valton and the passengers studying this activity note the number and behavior of visitors. Zodiacs drop tourists directly on animals or try to drive mammals down. With her study, Valérie Valton wants to convince the Egyptian authorities to regulate the lagoon.

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