in Saint-Malo, revolt against the liner of excess


Video length: 1 min

Environment: in Saint-Malo, revolt against the liner of excess

Environment: in Saint-Malo, revolt against the liner of excess – (Franceinfo)

The “Annelies-Ilena”, a 145-metre liner capable of catching 400 tonnes of fish per day, is bringing fishermen, environmentalists and activists into the fray.

At the port, fishermen, activists, ecologists and elected officials form a human chain 600 meters long, like the size of the “Annelies-Ilena”, this factory trawler too big to enter the port of Saint-Malo (Ille- and-Vilaine). Environmentalists denounce destructive fishing practices. “This boat is the symbol of both environmental destruction and gigantism which destroys and plunders the oceans. It is also the symbol of the destruction of jobs in fishing”deplores Marie Toussaint, MEP Europe Écologie-Les Verts.

Industrial fishing singled out

145 meters long, it is 13 times the average size of a French trawler. “The boat is capable of fishing 400 tonnes per day. When I was a sailor, with 10 tonnes of fish per year, I managed to be profitable and make a decent living from my job”, indicates Charles Braine of the Pleine mer association. The demonstrators are demanding the withdrawal of the fishing roadmap, debated on Friday February 16 at the Brittany Regional Council. It would be too favorable to industrial fishing.

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