in Saint-Brieuc, we recover and recycle site materials



Article written by

V. Heurtel, P. Maire, A. Canestraro – France 2

France Televisions

In his column “An idea for France “, the Journal of 13 Hours of France 2 puts forward ideas to help the French. Thursday October 28, it is an idea to reuse building materials that is put forward.

What if recycling building materials was a solution to help the environment and save money? In the chronicle of 13 hours, “An idea for France”, this is the idea put forward on Thursday, October 28. “The goal is to reduce our production of waste and our consumption of raw materials”, explains Sarah Fruit, architect of Bati Recup. In Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor), she recovers everything that is recoverable in a tower of a building where housing seems impossible, before total destruction. Almost everything is recovered, either for reuse or for recycling.

Unlike the buildings of the 1960s, like in Saint-Brieuc, the buildings of today are focused on sharing. “There is a platform, Habitat participatif France. It lists 900 construction projects”, adds the journalist France Télévisions Valérie Heurtel, present on the set of 13 hours of France 2. Many such initiatives exist in France, where residents work together even before housing is built.

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