In Saint-Brieuc, wasteland is being rehabilitated to curb urban sprawl

The project is named Totem of innovation. The old building of the Family Allowance Fund (Caf), fallow for 7 years, must become a place to promote synergy between businesses. “We are two or three minutes from the multimodal transport hub. It is a perfect location for this kind of business hotel”, explains Ronan Kerdraon, president of Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomeration.

If the building’s proximity to the station played a role in the choice to renovate the structure, a more environmental argument to be made for the purpose of this project. “We are above all at the heart of what is called the ecological transition. That is to say, we recover a building, we reformat it. That way, we do not consume land. We are in a virtuoso logic. “, Ronan Kerdraon adds.

Do not add more concrete, do not extend to the outskirts of agricultural land while revitalizing the territories, such are the objectives of the waste land recycling plan launched by the government. Since 2020, a fund of 650 million euros has been deployed at the national level, to which an envelope of 100 million euros has just been added with a new call for projects. For the renovation of the former premises of the Caf de Saint-Brieuc, 1.3 million has already been allocated, or 40% of the budget.

“When a device coming from the State is good, it must be said, explains the mayor of Saint-Brieuc, elected on a various left list in 2020. He’s good in two ways. It allows small and large operations to be carried out because, for once, the state did not set 36,000 pages of conditions to be able to obtain it. Second point in my opinion is important: he is not refereed in Paris but in the department. This means that we have a direct relationship, we can better defend our case “, specifies Hervé Guihard.

In Saint-Brieuc, another real estate project will also benefit from the waste land recycling fund. This is a building located in the city center abandoned for more than 20 years. Its demolition will allow the construction of five social housing units. A program estimated at nearly 1.2 million euros, more than 50% subsidized by the State.

In the Côtes-d’Armor, 28 projects were selected, financed by the fund to the tune of 8 million euros. At the national level, the fund has enabled the reconstruction or rehabilitation of 100,000 housing units.

source site-23