in Russia, the decline of fur

Is fur in full decline in Russia? On Tuesday February 1, the Italian haute couture house Dolce & Gabbana announced that it was abandoning fur, after Prada, Armani, Gucci and even Versace. French houses, like Chanel and Saint-Laurent, or British, like Burberry, have taken the same decision in recent years.

Around the world, natural fur clothing is indeed less and less popular, especially for ethical reasons and after the denunciation of cases of animal abuse in some farms. Russia, which until recently appeared as one of the last bastions of proudly worn fur, also seems to be turning away from this tradition.

A short walk in the streets of Moscow by -10 degrees still allows you to come across a lot of fur. “It’s a garment that displays your status. It’s always been like that”, Explain Anna, theelegant quarantine. “It gives you self-confidence and you really feel like a woman”, proudly says the lyrical singer, mink coat on the back. She can’t imagine dressing otherwise:I regret not having put my lynx today”, she adds, claiming to have “some” fur coats “for all occasions in life”.

But while fur is a real tradition in Russia, sales are currently falling by 25% per year. “I don’t wear one and I never will”, explains Alina, 29 years old. Like her, many young people do not want to hear about it. “My mom always said to me, ‘Let’s go buy a fur coat, it’s really warm.'”

“I love animals too much to hurt them. I’m even against faux fur. I wear a puffer jacket and that’s fine.”

Alina, 29 years old Russian

at franceinfo

These ethical reasons only partially explain this disaffection. There are also economic arguments: fashion favoring practical clothes, which are changed often, the days when Russians could save for years to be able to afford a mink seem to be over. The first fur seller in Russia has therefore just closed its Moscow factory.

“These trends had already affected fur producers. As soon as the big fashion houses stopped using fur, it was over”, testifies Andrei Kalaiev, the founder. “This business occupied most of my life and it collapsed in a few years”, he regrets. To adapt to new consumer demands, the Kalaiev brand will now be applied to synthetic furs.

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