in Russia, does Tiktok put its commercial interests before political interests?



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How did the social network Tiktok react following the announcement of the “Anti fake news” law in Russia? Decryption.

When the “Anti fake news” law was announced in Russia, the TikTok application indicated that it did not have “no choice but to suspend live video streaming as well as the publication of new content in Russia”, the time to examine the implications of the law. The social network no longer allows Russians to publish their videos. 55 million users are affected. Among them, the influencer Niki Prochain. “The main problem is not that we can no longer post videos, it is above all that we no longer have access to information that comes from creators from abroad”explains the latter.

TikTok has indeed blocked content from abroad, without informing its community. According to Tracking Exposed, an association for analyzing social network recommendation systems, users have lost 95% of their social network content. “TikTok mainly follows its commercial interests, before political interests”believes Marc Faddoul, co-founder of Tracking Exposed. TikTok, owned by a Chinese company, therefore preferred to censor its content almost entirely, rather than displease the Russian authorities.

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