In Rodez, a veterinarian specializes in acupuncture for animals



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If acupuncture has become a common practice on humans, it is less so when it comes to animals. However, her too, has been used for millennia in Asia and is beginning to spread to the Western world. In Rodez, a veterinarian has made it her specialty. #TheyHaveTheSolution

Indy is an eight-year-old dog who suffers from hyperthyroidism. In addition to her conventional treatment, she has the right to regular acupuncture sessions with Dr. Bayol. Installed for three years in Rodez, the veterinarian has specialized in this ancestral practice for animals. For Indy, this makes it possible to attenuate the multiple consequences of this dysregulation of the thyroid.
He is a dog who has a lot of emotions, like all dogs, but she is even more overflowing, so it brings her serenity. Because hyperthyroidism in animals is like for humans, it causes a lot of fluctuations in mood, physical state“, confides his mistress.

Dogs, cats, but not only. The veterinarian also practices acupuncture on horses, for example. That day, Camille Bayol visits a 28-year-old horse suffering from osteoarthritis

We have implemented conventional treatments, but it is a chronic degenerative disease that continues to evolve. And so suddenly, with acupuncture, we come to try to slow down the development of the disease.

Slow down, but also relieve pain caused by osteoarthritis. The sessions last an average of thirty minutes and are, according to the veterinarian, very well accepted by the vast majority of the animals she follows.


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