In Roanne, a father hits a teenager suspected of sexual assault on his 6-year-old daughter

It all starts on the night of Thursday 20 to Friday 21 October, in Roanne (Loire). A mother hears noise in her 6-year-old daughter’s bedroom, she gets up and finds herself face to face with a young man who introduced himself in the House. He had just sexually assaulted the girl, according to his relatives. The teenager flees, and the family files a complaint during the day.

The following night, the father of the family decides to “stand guard” with three friends. They then say they saw the suspect climbing the fence of the property. The men say they neutralized him, took a picture so that the mother formally identifies him, which she does. The young man is then beaten. “Punches, kicks. He is whipped with an electric cable while he is lying on the ground. His body was lacerated. The doctors gave him 10 days of ITT”says the public prosecutor of Roanne, Abdelcrim Grini.

“We do not do justice ourselves”

After beating the teenager, the father and his friends called the police. The suspect was taken to hospital before being taken into custody. He was then charged with aggravated sexual assault on a minor under the age of 15 and placed in pre-trial detention, but he denies the facts. The 16-year-old young man, an isolated minor who lived in a specialized structure, intends to file a complaint, according to his lawyer, contacted by Le Parisien

At the same time, the Roanne public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation against the father, for “aggravated violence resulting in an ITT of more than eight days” and aggravated by the “meeting” and the “use of a weapon”. The father and his three friends will therefore soon be heard by the police on these facts. “I can understand the anger, but we do not do justice ourselves. The law of retaliation has nothing to do in our country. It is justice that must punish”said the public prosecutor of Roanne, in an interview with franceinfo

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